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National Suicide Prevention Hotline
800-273-8255 call anytime
National Hopeline Network
800-784-2433 call anytime for help
Michael Hanna, Ph.D., M.F.T.
Dr. Hanna has had an office at AFL since 1999. He is a Christian therapist who offers individual, marital, and family counseling. In addition, he specializes with issues regarding depression, anxiety, stress-related disorders, addictions, and insomnia. Insurance accepted: Anthem Blue Cross, Magellan/Blue Shield of CA, Cigna, and The Holman Group.
Please leave a message at 888-907-0894 to set up an appointment.
Doug Edmondson, M.F.T.
As a licensed therapist, with over 3,000 hours of client interaction, I am proud to be part of AFL available counselors. I bring over 37 years of marriage in my personal life, 4 children, and 3 grand children into the room. That is to say I also have a good understanding of the rigors that marriage and relationships can bring, as no one is exempt from life. My approach is client centered, and concentrates on what you want as an individual, or as a couple. I address each person and situation individually, and do not bring a cookie cutter approach as to how I see healing and restoration in the therapeutic relationship. Please call 951-415-9176
Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday nights.
John DePaola, M.F.T.
John specializes in marriage and family issues.
Please email or call 714-932-9641 for an appointment:
Joshua Pak, Biblical Coach, Ph.D. Dr. Pak has a Ph.D. in clinical psychology. He has been practicing at AFL and an office in Glendale since 1998. Areas of specialization are premarital, marriage & family, cultural & spiritual, and church issues. He also works with churches in spiritual and developmental consultations and leads relationship seminars. Please call & leave a message at 626-833-9744 to set up an appointment.
Anita Rice, Psy.D., M.F.T.
Please email or call (714) 699-9366 to make an appointment.
Marty Olson, M.F.T.
Please email or call Marty at 714-869-1633 to make an appointment.
Visit her website at for more information.
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